2014-08-12 D96 Membership Analysis
On August 12, 2014, I was provided a sanitized District member listing (no addresses, no contact information) for the same date which I was able to perform some analysis on for general use. Please feel free to use this information for Toastmasters presentation purposes. If you can share my website URL - wiki.pachogrande.com - and email address mcarr@pachogrande.com then I would appreciate it.
Note that "member" can refer to either "membership payment" or "physical member" which are not the same thing. I've tried to make it clear in my language which I'm referring to.
You should also check out the incredible work that Mike Raffety and George Marshall do. They are a constant inspiration to me.
You can click on any graph within this page to see in high resolution.
3,037 memberships paid of which there are 2,809 physical members
Length of time as a Toastmaster - 3.62 years average
6.6% of physical members hold membership in more than one club (or 7.5% of membership payments).
53% of members have been members for 0 days to 2 years.
80% of members have been members for five years or less.
206 (6.8%) members have not disclosed a gender
Of those that have, 1,354 (47.8%) are listed as female and 1,477 (52.2%) male.
Most popular month to join is April with 526 (17.3%) of members
Least popular month to join is September with 86 (2.8%) of members
As a quarter, April-June is highest performing for joining with 1160 (38.2%) of members
As a quarter, July-September is lowest performing for joining with 354 (11.7%) of members
8 Divisions, 31 Areas, 145 Clubs
Average Division Size 380 members, 3.9 areas, 18.1 clubs
Average Area Size 98.0 members, 4.7 clubs
Average Club Size 20.9 members
29 clubs (20%) have 0-12 members / at or below club coach threshold. The DPR report shows only 3 clubs in D96 have coaches or 10% of eligible clubs.
83 clubs (57%) have 20+ members
Dual Members
2,809 physical members in total
2,624 members (93.4%) hold membership in a single Toastmasters club with 185 (6.6%) holding at least dual membership
159 are a member of two clubs (5.7%)
16 are a member of three clubs (0.57%)
5 are a member of four clubs (0.18%)
4 are a member of five clubs (0.14%)
No one is a member of exactly six clubs
1 exceptional person is a member of 7 clubs (0.04%)
Tenure as Toastmaster
28% of members haven't been members for a calendar year yet.
53% of members have been members for 0 days to 2 years.
80% of members are 0-5 years.
95% of members are 0-15 years.
99% of members are 0-25 years.
That is, only 1% of members are 25+ years. The oldest has been in Toastmasters for 44 years.
Division D has longest serving Toastmasters at average 5.4 years
Division N has youngest serving Toastmasters at average 2.4 years
Area 21 has longest serving Toastmasters at average 6.5 years
Area 54 has youngest serving Toastmasters at average 1.5 years
Histogram of member tenure
Table of average member tenure per area/division
Box-and-whiskers plot showing average spread of membership tenure by Division.
Gender Split
206 (6.8%) members have not disclosed a gender
Of those that have, 1,354 (47.8%) are listed as female and 1,477 (52.2%) male.
Division M has the least percentage women (46%) compared to Division H who has the most (59%).
Area 85 has the least percentage women (34.1%) compared to Area 23 who has the most (61.8%)
Gender split by Area:
Division/Area/Club Size
8 Divisions, 31 Areas, 145 Clubs
Average Division Size 380 members, 3.9 areas, 18.1 clubs
Average Area Size 98.0 members, 4.7 clubs
Average Club Size 20.9 members
Largest Division N with 542 (17.8%) members
Smallest Division D with 213 (7.0%) members
Largest Area 71 with 144 (4.7%) members
Smallest Area 73 with 46 (2.5%) members
Largest Club 59 - Vancouver Toastmasters Club - with 59 members
Smallest Club 1662 - Rapid Pulse Toastmasters Club and 1216722 - UBC Thunderbird Toastmasters Club with 6 members.
29 clubs (20%) are in 0-12 members / club coach threshold. The DPR report shows only 3 clubs in D96 have coaches or 10% of eligible.
19 clubs (13%) are in 13-15 members
14 clubs (10%) are in 16-19 members
83 clubs (57%) are in 20+ members
Area Size Table
District 96 Club Size
When do members join?
Most popular month is April with 526 (17.3%) of members
Least popular month is September with 86 (2.8%) of members
As a quarter, April-June is highest performing with 1160 (38.2%) of members
As a quarter, July-September is lowest performing with 354 (11.7%) of members
Membership by Join Month
Random Trivia
Most common last names Lee 41, Wong 32, Chan 31.
Most common male first names David 43, Michael 32, John 29.
Most common female first names Jennifer 20, Catherine 16, Sarah 15.
Most Toastmasters 1817 (59.8%) don't list a middle initial but of those that do A is most common 59.
A representative D96 club
There would be 21 members in this club.
10 of these members would be women, 11 men.
11 of those members are new - haven't hit two years - and are working through their first educational designations.
4 members are older - 5+ years in Toastmasters. Traditionally, but not always, the backbone of the club.
If the D21 trends hold then in this club two members will achieve their CC by end of year, 1 member an AC, for sure one member will achieve a leadership designation and if its a stronger than average club then two will.
If the D21 trends hold then this club will lose 7 members before end of year but should gain enough new members to offset this.
If the D21 trends hold then this club has a 45% chance of being distinguished.
At least one male member of the club will have a traditional bible name - e.g. David, Michael, John, James, Peter, Mark, Paul.
One of my personal theories is that this club would normally have 9-13 members in attendance at their meetings. There is no formal data available from TI on this - just a theory of mine. :)